Reclaim The Magic - Lee Milter


We can manifest anything we desire
Our true magnificence is our internal power. Open up to our greater identity and go beyond our programmed boundaries. We are more than just human! We came to earth with the ability to create with our thoughts. We’ve just forgotten how. This book is here to remind us.



RECLAIM THE MAGIC will evoke a consciousness shift and an awakening within you to manifest your heart’s true desires. This book will give you the tools and concepts to claim your natural birthright power as a manifestor, become fully conscious of the abilities you have within yourself and evolve into your authentic being. You are a spirit in a human body and are much more powerful than you have been led to believe. Since birth, we have been programmed by society, schools, government, religions and well-meaning, but clueless, people that we are a victim of circumstances. We have been trained to think, feel and believe that we have no power. Nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, we are far from helpless. The truth is, power in life is 1 percent physical and 99 percent spiritual. We can release the victim role and instead, adopt the role of deliberate creator. It is a choice we can make that will transform our reality forever. With our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and use of our mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and financial life energies, we can manifest anything we desire.